Benefits of reading to your child on book week

Reading is my secret power on book week and in our previous articles, we have covered the importance of encouraging your kids to read on book week in Australia. Today we are going to talk about the benefits of reading to your children. Reading to your child is one of the most effective ways you can build the linguistic neural connections in the growing brain of the child and a strong base for the child’s cognitive development.

Apart from benefiting the language development of your child, reading to your child has other benefits.

Book Week Costume
Book Week Costume

Sense of intimacy

Reading to your child makes it possible for you to bond with him/her. This gives the kid a sense of well-being and intimacy. The feeling of intimacy will make your child feel closer to you. When a child feels like he/she is being loved and has the attention of his/her parent, he/she grows smart.

Encourages a positive attitude

Buying a nice book week costume in Australia for your child and reading to him things that are related to that costume gives your child a pleasurable experience. This helps the child to have a positive attitude towards reading and he grows up knowing that reading is important.

It calms your child

Sometimes children feel too lonely to read on their own. They feel tensed and lack concentration. When you read to your child, you calm him even when he is restless and fretful/

Promotion of communication between you and your child

Very few parents spend time with their children because they are busy working. Spending time with your kid and reading to him increases the communication between you and your kid and this makes the kid trust you. Communication is improved with practice and the more you communicate with your children, the better communicators they become. That is why reading is my secret power on Halloween in Australia.

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